Light blue starry background, text reads "Inspiration Maps Generator", square orange logo with green arrow to right

Inspiration Maps Generator Help

Here are a few examples of how the Maps Generator can be used:

  • Before lectures, meetings, and training sessions to automatically convert presentation slides into an Inspiration diagram. During the session, you can use Inspiration to note-take and afterward, build out diagrams using research from other sources.
  • Take Word documents exported from other AT software (e.g. Glean or Pro-Study), and create an Inspiration diagram from them to flesh out notes thoroughly and visually, helping you kick-start the writing process.
  • Convert a report into an Inspiration diagram to process, spatially re-organise, and synthesize the information in a non-linear and more creative way.


What files are supported by the Inspiration Maps Generator app?

The app will convert Word .docx and PowerPoint .pptx files. 

How do I prepare my documents ready to import into the app?

Inspiration Maps Generator reads the style heading used in the file to determine the key concepts and how it is structured in the document -  title, headings, subheadings and paragraphs. These elements are used to construct the Inspiration diagram.

Converting Word Documents

  • A Title in a Word document will become the Main Idea symbol in an Inspiration diagram.
  • Headings (H1) in a Word document will become a Topics symbol in the Inspiration diagram. These will be linked to the Main Idea symbol.
  • Subheadings (e.g. H2, H3 etc) under a Heading in a Word document will become a supporting Topic symbol. These will be linked to the parent topic.
  • Paragraphs following either a Title, Heading or Subheading will be attached as a note to the corresponding symbol.
  • The first image following a Title, Heading or Subheading will be inserted into the note, for the corresponding symbol.

Converting PowerPoint Documents

  • The first Title slide in a PowerPoint document will become the Main Idea symbol in an Inspiration diagram.
  • For each subsequent slide, the Title in the PowerPoint document will become a Topics symbol in the Inspiration diagram. These will be linked to the Main Idea symbol.
  • Bullets on each slide will become a supporting Topics symbol. They will be linked to the Topics symbol, corresponding to that slide.
  • Speakers Notes will be attached as a note to the corresponding symbol for that slide.
  • The first image on the slide will be inserted into the note, for the corresponding symbol for that slide.

Note: Subtitles are ignored.

How do I check if my Word document is formatted correctly?

In Word, go to the View menu and enable Navigation Pane, a new pane will appear on the left showing the outline structure of your document. It should show Title at the top and then the corresponding Headings and Subheadings. Subheadings will be indented under its corresponding Heading.

Here is an example:

Adding style headings is good accessibility practice, too. 

How do I use the Inspiration Maps Generator app?

There are 3 simple steps to using this app:

1) Upload your Word or PowerPoint document. 

2) Select if you want your diagram to be with or without links.

3) Name your new Inspiration file and click generate. 

How do I access the Inspiration Maps Generator?

Inspiration Maps Generator is available as an installable app for Windows devices. You can register and download the app for installation by going to and completing the short form by clicking sign up. You will then be emailed a link to download. This app works completely offline.

For Inspiration RD users, Inspiration Maps Generator is available as an app to launch from the App launch screen.

An online version that you can access from a web browser will be made available in December.

Does Inspiration Maps Generator require internet connectivity?

For the installable app, no internet is required to use it. When it becomes available, the online version will require internet connectivity.

Do you store the data being processed by the Inspiration Maps Generator?

For the installable app, all the data processing is done locally on your device. This keeps your data totally secure. The App doesn’t store any information once the document has been processed.

For the upcoming online version, once the file has been processed and the Inspiration file created, all data will be automatically deleted. We will not hold the data for any other purpose than creating files in the Inspiration format.

Who can access the Inspiration Maps Generator app?

As this is a free tool, anyone can use it! Inspiration users can use it to convert documents into an Inspiration file format. Also, non-users of Inspiration can use the app, to convert their files into the Inspiration file format, to support those they work with who do use Inspiration.