Inspiration Maps Generator: NEW Updates

In November 2023, we launched the FREE Inspiration Maps Generator tool to easily convert your Word and PowerPoint files into Inspiration diagrams and outlines, supporting those who like to think and learn visually.

The updates....

We've now increased its compatibility to work with your Excel documents as well, and what’s more, we’ve launched an online version so you can access the tool through a browser.  

So now you can use the Inspiration Maps Generator tool to take content from any Word, PowerPoint, or Excel document, and effortlessly create an Inspiration diagram in just a few simple steps, offline and online for whichever works for you.

Simply register, upload your document, and then download your new Inspiration file.

  • Import a written document into Inspiration to process, spatially re-organise, and synthesise the content in a non-linear and creative way.
  • Automatically convert presentation slides into an Inspiration diagram, to note take and build out diagrams using research from other sources.
  • Take documents exported from other AT software, such as Glean or ProStudy, into Inspiration to flesh out notes visually and kick-start the writing process.
Try for free

Click here if you would like to learn more about Inspiration and how it could help your thinking, learning, or work projects.

Inspiration is an approved product for the Disabled Student Allowance and Access to Work.


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