Inspiration: a pathway to success for students!

We caught up with Ewan Richards recently to get his thoughts on Inspiration. Ewan is an Assistive Technology Trainer at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, having graduated from the university himself a few years ago with an MSc in Software Engineering.

Ewan says the amazing assistive technology software he used during his studies at UWTSD helped him get through his degree and Masters, and “It was the next step that I go on to work at the university as an AT Trainer helping other students get the support they need.”

So, having used different assistive tech during his studies Ewan now uses Inspiration, alongside other software, in his work and personal life, and says “It really does help me with planning and organising my day-to-day activities nicely.”

Did you find Inspiration easy to learn how to use?

“Not only is Inspiration easy to learn how to use but it's also easy to train students on. I attended a few online training sessions too. I found the overall training delivery really smooth and very good. And having used the online help manual too, I always suggest it to my students so they can refer back to it as and when they need to.”

How do you like to use Inspiration? 

“I like Inspiration because it helps with my note-taking; it helps me stay focused and concentrate and removes the issue of my messy handwriting. I like that with Inspiration the students and myself can have research and notes essentially in one place. It helps with written work, structure, and sources.”

Not only that he uses the presentation tool to help when building and giving presentations and says: “It helps me stay on topic and remember which bits of information I want to include, and it helps me form an order.” Ewan says the students also use Inspiration to help with presentations: “It’s easy to use and because of this it's a pathway to success for the student!”

Do you or your students use Inspiration alongside other AT software? 

“Yes, I commonly see my students going between Inspiration and other software like Glean, Texthelp or Read & Write and they are using them all together in harmony; they all work excellently together. A lot of the students I work with have those technologies together. And, the Inspiration Maps Generator is another favourite feature for some of my students; it makes their lives so much easier.”

What features do your students like?

“My students seem to like the hyperlink functionality for keeping a record of their research that they can go straight to, be it different books, documents, and websites, with their notes all together in one handy place. I've had great feedback on how it has helped with their research skills and organisations skills, which is fantastic.”

Can you see yourself using Inspiration in the future?

“I think I’ll always continue to use Inspiration because of the features and what it can help me achieve. It helps me stay on top of my workload! And I think my students will continue to use it too; whether you are in university studying or you’re in the workplace, I think it will help because whatever you do you're always going to have planning to do and structures to do.”

If you would like to learn more about Inspiration, click here, and for more user case studies, click here.


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