"I use Inspiration to prevent overwhelm!"


Stephanie Fincham-Campbell, who is completing a PhD at King’s College London, was introduced to Inspiration through the DSA a year ago and says it helps her to organise and compartmentalise information and prevent overwhelm.

Stephanie is studying addictions and exploring social networks among people with alcohol dependency and complex needs so she needed a solution to getting overwhelmed. Now, thanks to the helpful live and on-demand webinars, she uses Inspiration to its fullest to review the mountains of course literature and better understand her subject.

What are the challenges that Inspiration helps you with?

“I have a tendency to get quite overwhelmed with my work and tend to go into a lot of detail as well. So, inspiration helps me to organise information at top-level headings and to compartmentalise different sections and work on those sections without getting too overwhelmed.”

Did you find Inspiration easy to learn how to use?

Inspiration is quite intuitive. You can quite easily just create a basic mind map, but I recently attended an online webinar on the upgrade to Inspiration 11, which really helped me learn about all the different functions. So, I didn't realise beforehand that you can flip the mind map to an outline and then see things in more detail. You can export it to Word, you can export it to a presentation too. So, I guess there was more functionality that I've learned about through the webinar, and that has been really useful.”

Stephanie has also used Inspiration to help her with her qualitative analysis; she says she “uses it to try to conceptualise her findings and identify the different themes and work out what are the different topics and how they link together.”

For Stephanie, the main benefit of using Inspiration is being able to create mind maps and being able to work visually. She likes being able to use colour to highlight different aspects of what she is working on, as well as collapse and expand different sections of work to focus on specific topics one at a time. She says “having the top-level headings to work with in the Outline view makes things so much easier.”

How has using Inspiration helped you?

“It compliments my process of working and writing, and it helps me to streamline the way that I break things down, organise things and work more visually. So, it  helps me write a bit faster and get a better handle on the literature and content that I'm working with.”

Can you see yourself using Inspiration in the future?

“Yeah, I definitely think I could use Inspiration going forward if I was to work in a research post or go on to do further studies. It just really compliments my way of working and seeing things visually, organising information, and focusing on different aspects of what I'm working on.”

If you would like to learn more about Inspiration, click here, and for more user case studies, click here.

Inspiration is an approved product for the Disabled Student Allowance and Access to Work.


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